Executive Committee of the DGaaE
About Dr Michael Schade

Dr Michael Schade, born 1961 in Lüdenscheid-Hellersen, spent most of his childhood and youth in Chile, Colombia and Peru. After his high school graduation in Lima, he studied agricultural sciences in Bonn. He received his doctorate in 1990 on "Biological control of grapevine pests" at the University of Bonn. This was followed by almost three years of work at the Chamber of Agriculture of the Rhineland, where he worked on a research and development project funded by the Federal Minister of Agriculture on weather data-based modelling of disease and pest infestation in various annual and perennial crops. Mr Schade then returned to the University of Bonn, where he completed his habilitation in 1999 in the field of integrated control in vegetable production and received his venia legendi in the Department of Entomology and Plant Protection.
Since November 1999, Mr Schade has held various positions in research and development at Syngenta and is currently developing biological control methods against animal pests and seed dressings for improved plant growth under abiotic stress (Crop Enhancement). Mr Schade has also been a guest lecturer in applied entomology and nematology at the University of Basel since 2000. In his spare time, Mr Schade pursues his passionate hobbies of cycling, ornithology and botany as well as the study of foreign languages together with his family.