Executive Committee of the DGaaE

About Dr Katja Kremp

Dr Katja Kramp studied Applied Biogeography at the University of Trier, where she completed her doctorate in the field of molecular biogeography with the topic "Comparative European phylogeography of mountain forest and peatland species using the example of two plant and two butterfly species". During the diploma thesis, the dissertation and the processing of various other molecular studies with different genetic marker systems outside the dissertation topic, her knowledge of molecular techniques and their far-reaching applications was further expanded and deepened. From 2014 to 2020, she worked as head of the molecular laboratory at the Senckenberg German Entomological Institute (SDEI) in Müncheberg, where she mainly devoted herself to molecular studies on different Symphyta species (Hymenoptera). Since 2021 she has been working at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e.V. (also Müncheberg).

Although Dr Kramp is currently mainly working on questions in the field of measurements and modelling of greenhouse gas emissions in agricultural and forest peatland landscapes, she has not lost (scientific) contact with former colleagues at the SDEI and is therefore still involved in entomological topics.