Sektionen und Keynote Speaker
Programm / Zeitplan zum Download
1. Landschaftsökologie & Naturschutz - Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation
The Balancing Act of Urban Conservation: Can vacant land support biodiversity and ecosystem services in cities?
Mary Gardiner (Ohio, USA)
2. Chemische Ökologie und Verhalten - Chemical Ecology and Behavior
Generating knowledge: The importance of experiment design for chemical ecologists
Stephen Lapointe (Florida, USA)
Invasive species - a target for sustainability through chemical ecology
Max Suckling (Auckland, Neuseeland)
3. Biodiversitätsverlust und Insektenschwund - Biodiversity Decline and Loss of Insects
Long-term changes in invertebrate biodiversity
Nick Isaac (Wallingford, UK)
The insect decline and the necessity for biodiversity monitoring
Wolfgang Wägele (Bonn)
4. Entomologie im Pflanzen- und Vorratsschutz - Entomology of Plant and Stored Product Protection
Aphid vectors of potato viruses and their management in a changing environment
Kerstin Kruger (Pretoria, Südafrika)
Sex pheromone and information transfer
Ally Harari (Volcani Center, Israel)
5. Biogeographie & Faunistik - Biogeography and Faunistics
Entomofaunistik in Deutschland - Erreichtes, Verbesserungswürdiges und Visionen
Bernhard Klausnitzer (Dresden)
6. Morphologie, Systematik, Evolution - Morphology, Systematics, Evolution
Genomic patterns of diversification in tropical butterflies
Chris D. Jiggins (Cambridge, UK)
Functional morphology of insect attachment devices
Stanislav N. Gorb (Kiel)
7. Insekten-Mikroorganismen Interaktionen - Insect-Microorganism Interactions
Two is company, three is not always a crowd – stable inheritance of multiple insect endosymbiont lineages with diverse host outcomes
Markus Riegler (Sydney, Australien)
Insect microbiomes as biomedical model and target for insect pest control
Angela Douglas (Cornell, USA)
8. Medizinische Entomologie - Medical Entomology
Aktuelle Situation für Stechmücken (Diptera: Culicidae) in Deutschland – ein Update
Doreen Werner (Müncheberg)
9. Invasive Arthropoden - Invasive Arthropods
What makes invasive species invasive?
Michael Schmitt (Greifswald)
10. Insekt-Pflanzen Interaktionen - Insect-Plant Interactions
Insects, plants and the smell of microbes
Paul Becher (Alnarp, Schweden)
Plant response to stress: Can this be exploited for crop protection?
Angharad Gatehouse (New Castle, UK)
11. Systematik und Diagnose - Systematics and Identification
From fossils to gene evolution, the importance of broad training in systematic biology
Seth Bybee (Utah, USA)
12. Wald-/Forstentomologie - Forest Entomology
Waldentomologie - eine echte Herausforderung
Michael Müller (Dresden)
13. Bernstein-Workshop - Amber Workshop
New data on Burmese amber biotas
Bo Wang (Nanjing, China)
14. Freie Themen
15. Workshop: Praktische Entomologie, Museumsentomologie