Profile of the DGaaE


The DGaaE ("German Society for General and Applied Entomology") unites entomologists working in research and practice, both professionally and by vocation. The society was founded in 1976 from two traditional associations: the German Entomological Society (DEG) and German Society for Applied Entomology (DGaE). It is the task of the society to promote the knowledge of entomology and research on entomological problems.

The society serves to fulfil these tasks by promoting personal contacts, information exchange and cooperation with full-time and part-time entomologists and with scientific societies in Germany and abroad.


There are active working groups on various entomological topics, some of which are run jointly with other societies. For special achievements in basic entomological research the Society regularly awards the Fabricius Medal, in the field of applied research the Karl Escherich Medal, and in the field of systematics and faunistics the Meigen Medal. Every two years the Society awards the Weiss/Wiehe Foundation Prize for the outstanding work of a young scientist on an entomological topic (e.g. for a dissertation).


The Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie contains publications on the lectures and posters delivered during the biennial entomology conferences. Three to four issues of the DGaaE-Nachrichten are published annually for mutual information of the members. The subscription to these two publications is included in the membership fee. In 2006 the Journal of Applied Entomology became an official publication of the DGaaE.


Every two years the DGaaE organizes a scientific lecture conference (Entomologists' Conference) on all areas of entomology and a workshop (Insects' Conferences) on selected current topics in applied entomology.
The entomologists' conferences take place in odd years at changing locations. There, scientists from research institutions in Germany and abroad, amateur entomologists and the working groups of the DGaaE present their results. The conferences last one week and the lectures are usually held in four parallel sessions.
The insect conferences take place in even years at changing locations. These workshops are held together with the German Phytomedical Society (DPG). There are informal presentations and plenty of room for discussion. The results of a workshop are published in the form of a white paper in the society's news bulletin.


Currently the DGaaE comprises some 800 members worldwide. Annual membership dues are at a rate of 40,00 Euro (ca. 55 US $ or 34 £) and include the receipt of the two journals DGaaE Nachrichten and Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie. We cordially invite you to join the DGaaE.

Please contact the DGaaE's office for additional information and your own membership.


Statutes of the DGaaE (in German)

Data Protection Policy of the DGaaE (in German)

DGaaE funding guidelines (in German)