Sections and Keynote Speakers

Plenary Talk

Insects and their interaction with the environment: new challenges and opportunities

Complex responses of herbivore insect pests to climate warming
Andrea Battisti (Legnaro, Italy)

Insect multitrophic interactions and sustainable plant protection
Francesco Pennacchio (Portici, Italy)


  • 1. Young Entomologists' Challenge

    Icon UhrIn this section, young entomologists (up to 2 years post-doctoral) can additionally present their submitted content contributions (talk or poster) to Sections 2 to 16 in the form of an additional exciting three-minute pitch.

    The title of the pitch does not have to be the same as the original presentation, but should reflect the basic content of the presentation/poster. Please enter the title of the pitch in the registration form together with your content contributions. An "abstract" does not need to be submitted in advance for this format.

    The three best pitch presentations will be awarded a prize by a jury.

  • 2. Apiculture and Bee Health

    Pesticide impact on honey bees under realistic field conditions is still debated but the matter is clearer from a systems biology point of view
    Francesco Nazzi (Udine, Italy)
  • 3. Chemical Ecology and Behavior

    Don’t put all your eggs in one basket! Ecology and evolution of insect egg-killing plant responses
    Nina Fatouros (Wageningen, The Netherlands)
  • 4. Biodiversity Decline and Loss of Insects

    Insects in the context of Science-Policy activities (incl. IPBES and IPCC)
    Josef Settele (Halle (Saale), Germany)
  • 5. Biogeography and Faunistics

    Diversity and Checklist of the Italian Insects
    Marco A. Bologna (Italy)
  • 6. Biological Control

    Consequences of competitive interactions between parasitoids for biological control
    Tim Haye (Delémont, Switzerland)
  • 7. Insect Control in Plants and Stored Products

    Neoclassical approaches for species-specific control of agricultural pest insects
    Marc F. Schetelig (Gießen, Germany)
  • 8. Forest Entomology

    The role of fungi in shaping the ecology and behavior of bark and ambrosia beetles
    Peter Biedermann (Stegen-Wittental, Germany)
  • 9. Free Topics

    Lecture title: t. b. a.
  • 10. Insect-Microorganism Interactions

    The bioecological traits of spittlebugs and their implications on the epidemiology of Xylella fastidiosa in Europe
    Domenico Bosco (Turin, Italy)
  • 11. Invasive Arthropods

    Halyomorpha halys: a tale of intriguing disruptive invaders, from citizen science to classic biocontrol
    Lara Maistrello (Reggio Emilia, Italy)
  • 12. Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation

    The challenges of the UE 2030 agenda: lesson from butterflies
    Simona Bonelli (Torino, Italy)
  • 13. Medical Entomology

    Monitoring and Pathogen-Screening of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Germany
    Helge Kampen & Doreen Werner (Greifswald - Insel Riems, Germany & Müncheberg, Germany)
  • 14. Morphology, Systematics, Evolution

    Cryptic or flashy: Evolution of defensive strategies in the stick and leaf insects
    Sven Bradler (Göttingen, Germany)
  • 15. Molecular Entomology

    Adaptations to plant defenses as a driver of insect-plant coevolution
    Georg Petschenka (Stuttgart, Deutschland)