Registration for the Entomology Congress 2023

Submission of contribution

Scientific results can be presented either as an oral presentation or as a poster. Please use the registration form to submit your contribution.

You can enter up to three submissions on the registration form. If more than three submissions are required, please contact the office the DGaaE.

A decision on the acceptance of submissions will be made by January 13th, 2022.

(*) = Mandatory fields

Congress fees

Fees for applications from 10 January 2023:

Members of the DGaaE pay lower congress fees. Attendees, who Join the DGaaE in order to attend the Congress, are exempted from their member's fees for 2022.

*) The further reduced fees apply to students, PhD students, trainees, and pensioniers.

Social program

Participation in "Icebreaker" event (no charge)*

Submission of contributions

Please fill out all the subfields and also choose a topic "section"!

Please limit your abstract to maximum of 4,000 characters!

Note on participation in Section 1: "Young Entomologists' Challenge"

In this section, young entomologists (up to 2 years post-doctoral) can present their contribution to the conference - be it a talk or a poster - in the form of an additional exciting three-minute pitch. Please activate the checkbox under "Content contribution" and add a title for the 3 minute pitch.

Contribution (1)

Contribution (2)

Contribution (3)

Please calculate 3 plus 8.