12. Internationale Vorratsschutztagung
07.10.2018 - 11.10.2018
Die 12. Internationale Vorratsschutztagung / 12th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection (IWCSPP) findet vom 7. bis 11. Oktober 2018 in Berlin statt.
In a number of places these are uneasy times due to climate change, political unrest or poverty. All the more it is important to keep up with the challenges to food safety by better protecting what we harvest. Less post-harvest losses and less waste can benefit our climate by reducing green-house emissions, can help to save water for irrigation and save arable land. Let us get together and strengthen our knowledge in the diverse technologies used for stored product protection in different parts of the world.
Wisdom is scattered and it is worth-while to put this puzzle together.
Details zu dieser Veranstaltung finden Sie hier.